Wednesday, May 11

A Joke of the 'Ng' family

Okie...gonna tell you guys a joke...quite lame...

one fine house phone rang....wth...must be for my mum coz i usually use got her to answer the phone..."Hello, may i speak to Mr Ng" the person inside the phone spoke...then my mum asked him which Mr Ng was he looking for..coz as you know my family has 3 Mr Ng' ended that the person was looking for me actually

after the tele conversation...i told my time if the same question pop up....just reply in hokkien " li ai ce "Dua Ng" - my father, "Suey Ng" - me or "Tiong Ng" - my brother (also means 中间 in Hokkien)....haha...we had a great laugh abt this....

stupid joke...but originally from me.....