so itz you.. my dear junjie.. whenever you vote, they send the results to my email.. hahaz.. you vote once, they one email.. you vote 10 times, they send 10 emails.. and when you vote NINETEEN TIMES, they send NINETEEN EMAILS TO ME.. ..
nothin lahz.. just letting you know. er.. happy voting ahz.. vote somemore lahz.. =) i'm using yahoo ahz.. 1G space. no worries. mayb i should swop to my gmail account lahz.. gmail is 2.5649873167G or sth.. hehz.
and studio is my home. the apartment at blk222 bt panjang is like my.. .. .. erm.. dunoe wat ah..
i'm actually fine with any day...but if i were to make a choice...hmm...monday after sch? ...anything will be great larz...haha...
jj: dun worry...we will owe you your present for infinite time mood to go shopping...coz i would most likely end up buying stuffs for my own...which i wun want prepared to receive you present only in dec....during yan'z chalet?? sounds good? then yan can get her pressie trouble....
suggestion: we should draw lots each year to decide who should be in charge of whose bday presents for the coming year...if no one bothers to go buy sad....
eiffel tower...picture obtained from google's quite cool....try this out if you are damn free...satellite photo image...i can see my home from the earth